Welcome at our website! It has taken a long time, but finally we are online!
We are a family with two children, Jasper our son and Romy our daughter who everybody knows.
When Romy was born we started to look for a breed that was nice with children, easy temperament, and something I could train for obedience or agility. We both made a list with breeds that we liked and then looked to what breed we both had on our list.
That’s how our 1st rough collie came to live with us. Taking her to the dog school was a whole new experience that I loved doing! At the same place they also had ring/show training and of course I wanted to know what that was?! After some training we entered our first dog show and off we went. And so our 2nd, 3rd, … collies came, we started breeding some litters, yep the dog microbe hidded our house!
Romy was growing up and also got infected by the virus and started junior handling. Training her, learning her that a dog is a living animal and not a machine, travelling around the world for this competitions was a joy to do, it is a period of time that we will miss enormously! I am so proud off her for what she achieved and that she stayed this sweet girl that just loves dogs!
Because of health problems it became a problem to groom the dogs. With pain in my heart we decided that we could not go further in this wonderful breed. We kept them all and gave them a nice old day.
In the mean time we started looking for a new breed. It had to be something big, long head and no grooming coat. Then I remembered two special moments, 1st once I was a ring steward at the sigthound clubshow in Belgium, I will never forget that funny clowns dog that came in the ring! When I came home started talking hours about this breed and started reading about them.
2nd was in 2003 when Romy had this breed as swap dog in the junior handling final at the World Dog Show in Dortmund. This was so trilled to see how they flew true the ring together.
After a lot of reading, research and talking, our first Galgo Español arrived to our home in 2004 and so we became slaves of this wonderful dogs.
What the feature will bring? I don’t know! I know one thing I love to many breeds, and there still some breeds that I really would like to own. So who knows maybe one day.
~ Marika Mitzlaff ~
on the left: Romy with "BIS WW-08 EUW-10-11 multi CH. Andaluz de Calathea"
on the right: Marika with "WW-11 EUW-08 FCI-centenary-champion FCI-centenary-winner-2011 multi CH. Garbosa de Calathea"